Monday 23 April 2012

27. Go Parasailing

It's a bird, it's a plane.................

When putting together the list, there was always going to have to be something that took me out of my comfort zone and was an adrenalin rush. For those of you that know me, I'm a massive scaredy cat so Parasailing is as dare-devilish as it was going to get!

In saying that, to Little Miss 'Wuss', Parasailing was no easy feat, and certainly no 'get out of it easy' option!


My method to calm the nerves and not freak out about it was basically not thinking about the adventure ahead at all, until it was smack bang right in front of me!

Thanks to work I had won a 'Red Balloon' voucher and one of the activities you could choose was tandem Parasailing at the Gold Coast - score! Double score that I didn't have to go up there alone!!

Mule was brave enough to take on the journey with me (brave because there was a good chance he could be stuck up in the air with someone screaming for 10 mins straight). When we first got on the boat we received a little lesson on how it all worked, and then it was time to fly! We would be the third 'sail' to go up, which gave me a good 20mins of nothing to do but watch the parachute, and work the nervousness level up very high!

Then it was our turn...........eeak, and very quickly I was up on the ledge at the back of the boat, getting strapped in and one, two, three we were away!!!

My heart was racing like crazy for the first couple of minutes, absolute adrenalin rush to me!!!! Goal achieved! Thanks to Sam's chatter I calmed down, sat back in my little swing and enjoyed the views - it was a stunning day and the views of the GC were awesome!

So I did it!!! My comfort zone was left behind and I lived to tell the tale. Well, a few days later anyway as I was actually quite shaky afterwards- such a wuss!!

Most importantly, there was no screaming!

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