Thursday 26 April 2012

28. Make my own signature scent / fragrance

I have been researching this one for a while.

Most of my research resulted in options that required quite a lot of money to be outlaid - something that was not ideal for me 7 weeks out from my European Vacation! If I was going to spend $100 on a fragrance, it was going to be by someone like Marc Jacobs, not moi (that's french, does that count as list item No. 1 complete??)!

My lovely friend Alicia helped me think outside the box and come up with the idea of other types of fragrances - and then I had it, I was going to make my own 'room fragrance' to use around the house! LOVE IT!!

I found this little 'recipe' online and decided to put it into practice. Here is what I did:

Purchased these two little satchels to use for the 'smell' component.........

Added them to a bowl of warm water

left to 'infuse' overnight........

The next day

Strain the mixture so that you have just the (beautifully smelling) water remaining

Put the mixture into an saucepan and simmered on the stove gently. Reduced until there are only a few tablespoons left. As you can see, the colour is really pretty!

And VOILA, I have my very own Signature 'Room' Fragrance!

It smells delightful and will last about a month! I have named my Signature Fragrance:


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