Monday 16 April 2012

29. Sell my first Bagel

I want to eat a Bagel, I want to drink some Chocolate Milk...............

One of the most common question about my list is 'what's number 29 all about'??

Well, it all started 10 years ago when I first started working at Summer Camp in New York - I developed a very strong love for Bagels (smothered in Cream Cheese) and this is a love that has remained strong!

Once returning to Australia, I noticed how we were lacking in the joy that is a bagel shop, and how successful they could be!! For years I have talked about how I would love to open my own bagel store!

When compiling the list, I tried to think hard about things I've always wanted to do, or things I talk about a lot, and so naturally, one of my list items just had to be about Bagels!

I decided to complete this task, I really needed to bake my own Bagels to try to sell them, as purchasing them and on-selling would feel like I was cheating! I have since decided that if the Bagel shop ever becomes a reality, I will hire a baker!!

So, it's baking time!

Kneading (you can do it, put your back in to it!)

Boiling (who knew?!)

Rise my pretties!

Not the prettiest Bagels in the world, but toast them up and they aren't too bad!

And so it came time to package these little (attempts at) Bagels and try to sell them at work! I included a little cream cheese container with every purchased and asked for a 'gold coin donation'. My drive to work was very nerve racking - It would be quite awkward to sit around with everyone pretending to like my cooking if they were awful!

Setting up my little shop!

Here it is - my first Bagel sale!! Thanks so much Amy for giving them a whirl!!

Looking back, I was pretty impressed that the end result didn't taste too bad - Ive never baked bread, cooked with yeast or anything like that so the fact that they were edible was a plus!! However, like I said, if my shop ever opens, I will be hiring a baker!

Thanks so much to everyone who purchased a Bagel - hope you enjoyed them!!

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